Cybersecurity 101
Back to basics.
As our world has moved into cyberspace, we’ve developed ways of protecting information from cyber criminals. Cybersecurity refers to this effort to defend the reliable and safe transmission of information on the internet, from cybersecurity technology to processes and education. Cyber threats can vary significantly depending on the information being accessed, the region, and the vulnerability, but most fall into three categories:
- Confidentiality (Identity & Money Theft)
- Integrity (Sabotage or “Leaks”)
- Availability (Ransomware)
The Challenges
Good security is more than just a locked house.
Just like burglars circumventing a locked door, cyber criminals can also quickly learn to get around basic obstacles like a predictable password. Cybersecurity requires multi-layer protections, but it also demands constant vigilance against always-evolving international threats, not just those in your neighborhood. Cybersecurity must take into account:
- Network Security
- Application and Software Security
- Data Security
- Infrastructure Security
- Mobile and IoT Security
Each of these areas come with a myriad of vulnerabilities. Strong technological understanding, cybersecurity policies, and updated cybersecurity education are all pivotal to maintaining a strong defense.
Important Roles
Your actions are as pivotal as what programs you rely on.
Software developers, cybersecurity experts, and business owners all play important roles in creating cybersecurity software, policies, and resources for protecting sensitive information.
However, YOU are the most critical piece to this puzzle! The best software and strongest policies won’t do anything if you’re a vulnerability a cyber criminal can take advantage of. Protect yourself and your organization by staying on top of security and threat updates, like knowing about fraudulent COVID-19 domains and current email scams. Read our last blog post to learn about one such scam or learn about cybersecurity courses here.
Why It’s Critical
Small vulnerabilities, huge consequences.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and McAfee, cybercrimes (damage and destruction of data, stolen money, lost property, intellectual property theft, and more) currently cost the world almost $600 billion each year, and the Annual Cybercrime Report estimates that cybercrime will cost $6 trillion by 2021.
“Cybercrime is one of the greatest and fastest growing threats to organizations around the world.”
These cybercrimes cost human lives, compromise national security, delay scientific advancements, and cost irreparable damage to large institutions and individuals alike. To keep society functioning and protect our own families and assets, strong cybersecurity awareness and policies are critical.

What’s Next
As threats increase, cybersecurity is growing from a niche interest to a required component of every online interaction. More companies and leaders are prioritizing cybersecurity, like the DoD releasing increased cybersecurity standards for government contracting and the predicted 3.5 million new cybersecurity jobs created by 2021.
If we all take time to prioritize cybersecurity in our day-to-day actions, we can establish a risk management habit that will have far-reaching effects on our families and organizations. Take the time to learn more about cybersecurity today!